Category Archives: Metabolism Compound Library

Comparative profiling of miRNA expression using miRNA arrays revealed significantly different signal intensities

Further analysis in independent Caucasian populations and functional analysis are needed to answer this question. Host animals represent habitats for the diverse microbial ecosystems. The gastrointestinal tract, which harbors an abundant microbial population, is the most heavily colonized organ. Insights into the composition of microbial communities, microbe-host molecular interactions, and the impact of microbiota on developmental/functional features of the host have been acquired from studies on germ-free animals using genomic and associated computational methods. MicroRNAs, discovered in 1993, are small non- coding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression by binding to the 39-untranslated regions of target mRNAs. Such binding is not homologous, allowing a single miRNA to potentially regulate hundreds of genes. Increasing evidence has raised miRNAs as an important regulator of many cellular functions, yet any role for miRNAs in microbiota-host interactions remains conjectural. To address this topic, we investigated whether miRNAs are INCB18424implicated in the gut microbiota-mediated regulation of host gene expression. To determine if microbiota modulate expression of miRNAs in the host, germ-free mice were colonized with the microbiota from pathogen-free mice as previously described. Comparative profiling of miRNA expression using miRNA arrays revealed significantly different signal intensities for 1 and 10 probe sets, representing one and eight miRNAs that were differently expressed in the ileum and the colon, respectively, INCB28060 of colonized mice compared to germ-free littermates. To increase the stringency of the prediction, the Matchminer program was used to identify target genes that were predicted by at least two algorithms. This bioinformatic approach revealed 164 potentially downregulat- ed target genes for the upregulated mmu-miR-298 in the ileum. These potential miRNA target genes predicted by at least two algorithms will be compared with the genes that were dysregulated during colonization. To identify host genes dysregulated during microbial coloniza- tion, a DNA microarray was performed, exploring significantly different signal intensities for 124 and 302 probe sets, representing 97 and 241 dysregulated genes in the ileum and the colon, respectively. It is worth to note that data obtained from miRNA arrays and DNA microarray revealed higher numbers of miRNAs and genes differentially expressed in the colon than that observed in the ileum, possibly reflecting bacterial load, which increases gradually from the stomach toward the small intestine to attain maximum in the colon. Crossing the DNA microarray-detected dysregulated genes with the potential targets of dysregulated miRNAs predicted by at least two algorithms as described above revealed a single upregulated gene, Abcc3, potentially targeted by mmu-miR-665, for the colon, whereas no overlapping gene was found for the ileum. The up- regulation of Abcc3 during colonization was then validated by qRT- PCR and Western blotting. Figure 2 shows that colonization of mice with microbiota significantly increased expression of Abcc3 in the colon at both mRNA and protein levels. Together, by coupling a DNA array with a microRNA array accompanied with the computational approach, we identified Abcc3 as a dysregulated miRNA target gene during colonization. To directly examine the regulation of Abcc3 by mmu-miR-665, RAW 264.7 cells were transfected with vehicle, or a mmu-miR- 665 precursor, or a control miRNA precursor. As shown in Figure 3A and B, mmu-miR-665 significantly inhibited Abcc3 expression at both mRNA and protein levels as assessed by qRT- PCR and Western blotting, respectively.

The endogenous expression of detoxification components is absent or barely detectable even by in situ hybridization

We have explored this hypothesis and confirmed that pRb is required to achieve normal levels of detoxification enzymes and, furthermore, that depletion of activator E2Fs seems to play a similar role. Our results are indicative that both pRb and E2F1-2-3 act as activators of the detoxification system and have important implications for understanding tumor progression and tumor treatment. The E2F factors regulate multiple genes essential to progress through S phase, and binding of E2Fs by the retinoblastoma related proteins effectively blocks S-phase progression and suppresses cell proliferation. Associations between pRb proteins and E2Fs are normally regulated by cyclin-dependent phosphorylation, ensuring a smooth transition through the cell cycle. Exogenous factors, including viral oncoproteins like SV40 T antigen, can disrupt the pRb/E2F complexes, resulting in upregulation of E2F target genes, uncontrolled proliferation and/ or tumorigenesis both in vivo and in vitro. An LXCXE peptide motif in TAg is Senegenin necessary to bind the pRb proteins and to induce cell proliferation. In addition to the induction of ectopic proliferation, expression of TAg results in the mRNA downregulation of detoxification components from Phases I, II and III in intestinal enterocytes. This effect requires an intact LXCXE motif in TAg, suggesting that pRb might control the transcription of detoxification components. To explore this possibility, we examined the RNA levels of different members of Phases I, II and III in genetic background devoid of pRb. Conventional inactivation of pRb in mice results in numerous alterations and null embryos die around E13.5, hampering the study of possible pRb effects prior to birth. Nevertheless, pRb-deficient embryos supplied with a wild-type placenta are viable, but die soon after birth. Using such mice allowed us to analyze the effects of pRb ablation in tissues from embryos and newborn mice. At E12.5, the earliest point analyzed, the Isochlorogenic-acid-C endogenous expression of detoxification components is absent or barely detectable even by in situ hybridization. However, the transcription levels of Cyp2d10 in livers of control embryos generated from females treated with PCN an inducer of the detoxification pathway, are substantially increased, while are not detectable in RBKO littermates. Furthermore, removal of pRb in E18.5 liver samples, at which point endogenous and inducible levels of several detoxification components are detectable, results in overall reduction of both endogenous and PCN-induced levels of Phases I, II and III transcripts, with the exception of Cyp1b1. We analyzed several tissues in newborn mice, and confirmed that removal of pRb results in a reduction of endogenous Cyp levels in newborn livers and intestines, while other transcripts used as control remain unaltered. This effect was confirmed in all the tissues expressing Cyps at that specific developmental stage, including liver, intestine and lungs. Other tissues analyzed from E18.5 to newborn mice, including brain, heart and spleen, did not show detectable RNA levels of members of the detoxification pathway with or without chemical challenge. Thus, it appears that pRb is required for constitutive expression and induction of the Cyp pathway. To determine if the observed changes in mRNA abundance are reflected in protein levels, we analyzed the levels of Cyp3A proteins, one of the most important subfamilies involved in the metabolism of xenobiotics, in intestinal and hepatic samples. All samples tested, including newborn intestines and livers as well as murine adult villi, showed a considerable decrease in Cyp3A proteins in the absence of pRb. Furthermore, removal of either pRb or E2F1-2-3 leads to decreased Cyp3A protein levels in the intestinal epithelium of adult mice. Thus, transcriptional downregulation of Cyp3A correlates with reduction in protein levels in intestinal and hepatic tissues.

As changes in Cyp activity will affect the metabolism and elimination of various drugs

After long incubational time, slightly over-expressed alphasynuclein can accumulate enough in the neurons to cause PD, while in the glial cells, efficient protein degradation system or the cell division might help them to prevent the accumulation. Global CpG methylation decreases with age, and specific genes, such as cancer suppressors, are down-regulated by decreased promoter region CpG island methylation. Our findings suggest that in PD patients, normally occurring SNCA CpG-2 hypermethylation does not occur, causing over-expression of alpha-synuclein and leading to its accumulation which, in turn, causes PD. Organisms respond to xenobiotics -natural compounds or artificial substances not normally present in the body such as drugs, antibiotics, pollutants and carcinogens by deactivating and excreting those products via a series of enzymes located mostly in the liver and, to a lesser extent, in the small intestine. Three sets of enzymes contribute to the process. First, Phase I enzymes chemically modify the xenobiotics by multiple mechanisms. Phase II components then conjugate the products with glucuronic acid, sulphuric acid or glutathione, to make them more soluble. Finally, transporter members of the Phase III help to excrete the modified components via urine or bile. Phase I of the pathway is Tripdiolide carried out by members of the cytochrome P450 superfamily, a large and diverse group of hemoproteins present in most organisms and whose activity is responsible for almost 75% of the total drug metabolism in higher eukaryotes. Phase II involves the conjugation of modified xenobiotics by transferases like glutathione s-transferases and UDP-glucuronosyl transferases, which normally results in less active metabolites that are also more soluble in water. Drug transporters such as the ATP-binding-cassette superfamily comprise Phase III of the detoxification pathway. They eliminate and distribute the less active, more soluble products from Phase II metabolism. The synthesis of several Cyp enzymes is induced in response to specific drugs or naturally occurring molecules. In some cases the enzyme activity is also modified by interaction with the drug. As changes in Cyp activity will affect the metabolism and elimination of various drugs, understanding and identifying genetic factors that can modify the Tenuifoliside-C detoxification response is especially important when using drugs with noticeable side-effects, with small therapeutic windows or necessary to treat critically ill patients. The product of the retinoblastoma gene and its two related proteins, p107 and p130, control the transition between G1 and S phase, thus preventing abnormal cell proliferation. They function by interacting with the E2F family of transcription factors, which in turn regulate multiple genes essential to progress through the G1-S phase. Two groups of factors can be identified within the mammalian E2F family, according to their biochemical properties, effects of target genes, and expression through the cell cycle: E2F1-2-3 in one hand and E2F4 through E2F8 on the other encoded by Simian Virus 40 has been shown to bind and inactivate members of the pRb pathway, resulting in upregulation of E2F proteins and E2F activity, with the subsequent induction of cellular proliferation and tumorigenesis in different systems, both in vivo and in vitro. TAg binds the pRb proteins through its LXCXE peptide motif, and mutations in TAg altering or eliminating the LXCXE domain fail to interact with the pRb proteins and to induce cell proliferation. In addition to its role inducing cell proliferation and tumorigenesis, we have previously shown that, when expressed ectopically in intestinal enterocytes, TAg also downregulates the endogenous and constitutive RNA levels of multiple detoxification components from Phases I, II and III. This effect requires an intact LXCXE motif in TAg, suggesting that perhaps the transcription of detoxification components normally requires pRb proteins.

the rationale for our investigation of dopaminemediated CpG demethylation in this cell line

On the basis of these reports, we hypothesized that there may be another unknown mechanism for increased SNCA expression in PD. In addition to promoter polymorphisms, epigenetic modification can alter downstream gene expression. Epigenetic regulation includes histone modification and DNA methylation, of which CpG island methylation can be gene-specific; in several different cancers, CpG methylation inhibits binding of the transcription machinery, causing silencing of a specific oncogene, which leads to carcinogenesis. In central nervous system disorders, CpG methylation has been associated with psychiatric disorders, such as autism and schizophrenia. We sought to identify CpG islands in the SNCA gene,Demethylzeylasteral wherein methylation status was associated with alpha-synuclein expression. For this purpose, we had to find cell lines which express endogenous alpha-synuclein at sufficient levels to support a comparative analysis. We analyzed the effects of several reagents on alpha-synuclein expression in 293 cells and found that dopamine had the most pronounced effect without affecting cell viability. We also tried to screen reagents that altered CpG methylation along with increased alpha-synuclein expression level in SH-SY5Y cells; however, reagents we used did not increase its expression level without affecting cell viability significantly. To avoid the possibility of CpG demethylation by cell death, we decided to use 293 cells instead of SH-SY5Y cells. Using dopamine as a modulator of SNCA expression, we searched for a CpG island which exhibited altered methylation which correlated with changes in gene expression. Of 2 CpG islands identified in the SNCA gene, we located the second CpG island at the first intronic region, and found that it showed a significant decrease in Epimedin-B methylation, associated with induction of alpha-synuclein expression. This was first identified by MIRA method and was confirmed by bisulfite sequencing, which yielded comprehensive results. We found that 293 cells expressed D1 and D2 receptors, which supported the rationale for our investigation of dopaminemediated CpG demethylation in this cell line although they are not neuronal cells. Additional experiments showed that haloperidol, the D2 receptor antagonist, clearly inhibited demethylation by dopamine; thus we concluded that this demethylation was mediated by dopamine receptor D2. Previous studies have compared alpha-synuclein expression in postmortem brain or peripheral blood from PD patients, with inconsistent results, partly because of artifacts of sample quality and degradation of RNA extracts from postmortem brain tissue. However, the result from substantia nigra was quite striking; the methylation level was almost zero in the PD group, whereas in the control group it was almost 100%, suggesting that methylation in the substantia nigra is an important component of PD pathogenesis. For concerns about DNA quality from substantia, nigra, we tested in several ways to assure that those were comparable between controls and PDs. The demethylatyion of CpG-2 could be occurring in both neurons and glial cells especially because in the late disease course, massive neuronal loss can occur. However, this does not indicate that our findings is unrelated to the direct pathogenesis, since it has widely recognized that alpha-synuclein aggregation are observed also in the astrocytes and oligodendrocytes of PD brains. In neurodegenerative diseases, it is still a mystery that neurons in similar functions start to degenerate simultaneously regardless of their spatial location in the brain. We can speculate that in the early developmental stage, even before the neuronal and the glial cells are differentiated, epigenetical abnormality can occur.

Abnormal accumulation of aggregated protein is closely associated with the pathogenesis of many neurodegenerative diseases

Our observation of contacts between mFVs and the apical plasma membrane supports this hypothesis. Therefore, reorientations of mFVs might facilitate the insertion of mFVs into the apical plasma membrane. However, the methods used in this study do not allow the conclusions whether all FVs in the subapical cytoplasm are destined to be inserted into the apical plasma membrane. It is possible that some FVs are derived from the apical surface. Our results of Rab27b immunolabelling support the idea of two classes of FVs, i.e. exocytotic and endocytotic. However, the bladder state has no influence on the size and shape of the plaques. Reorganization of mFVs from stacks in the central cytoplasm to individual entities in the subapical cytoplasm might reflect distinct roles of mFVs; stacked FVs enable maturation and storage of plaques, while individual mFVs facilitate the transport and fusion of plaques with the apical plasma membrane. Similar reorganizations of cellular compartments during protein transport was observed also in some other urothelium non-related cell systems reorganization. Comparison with umbrella cells shows that intermediate cells contain vesicles that are smaller and less flattened as Epimedoside-A. They are weakly labelled with antibodies against uroplakins; they contain smaller plaques and therefore they represent iFVs. Interestingly, we could not detect fusions of iFVs with the plasma membrane of intermediate cells. A possible explanation for this is, that iFVs of intermediate cells lack a machinery for docking and/ or fusion like specific Rab and SNARE complexes. It can be stated that the maturation of FVs coincide with the terminal differentiation of urothelial cells. Smaller, more convex iFVs are therefore characteristic of partially differentiated intermediate cells, which contain less uroplakins and also lack cell surfaceassociated plaques. Large, flattened mFVs are typical compartments only of highly differentiated umbrella cells. In conclusion, we have shown here 3D ultrastructure and higher organization of FVs in the urothelial cells. mFVs, present exclusively in terminally differentiated umbrella cells, are flattened discs that are organised into Baohuoside-I stacks in the central cytoplasm. From there, individual mFVs can be transported to the subapical cytoplasm, where their orientation greatly depends on the distension-contraction cycle of the urinary bladders. Due to their shape and higher organization, mFVs act as ideal compartments, which can store and transport large amount of membranes while occupying minimal volume of umbrella cells. The pathological hallmark of PD is Lewy bodies, which are intracellular inclusion bodies consisting of aggregated alphasynuclein. Abnormal accumulation of aggregated protein is closely associated with the pathogenesis of many neurodegenerative diseases. The precise mechanism of aggregation remains unknown, but increased expression of aggregation-prone proteins can lead to their aggregation. For example, in Down syndrome, duplication of the 21st chromosome, which contains the amyloid beta precursor protein gene, leads to accumulation of amyloid beta and Alzheimer’s disease pathology. In rare cases of PD, duplication or triplication of SNCA gene leads to alphasynuclein accumulation, with triplication producing a more severe phenotype than duplication, suggesting that SNCA expression level determines the severity of the pathology. Animal models of neurodegenerative disorders are generated by over-expression of causal genes, further supporting the conclusion that increased gene expression is related to pathogenesis. Additional evidence indicates that SNCA promoter polymorphisms increases alphasynuclein expression and increases susceptibility to sporadic PD.