It is of particular interest because of its potential involvement in GTPase KRas drive

In addition to shedding light on the pathogenesis of neuromuscular disease, these molecules represent potential new therapeutic markers. The genetic influence on weight development is generally more complex however, as has been revealed by genome wide association studies. Large-scale meta-analysis of genome wide association data performed by the GIANT-consortium studies have so far identified at least 32 genetic loci associated with control of body mass development. While the most powerfully associated obesity-related loci in this study, such as those related to FTO and TMEM18, have been consistently replicated in independent cohorts, the effects of other loci have, as of yet, not been consistently reported in independent cohorts. Replication in more specialized cohorts also allows for secondary analysis to discern specific physiological effects of the associated loci or even identification of other associated traits. Genetic variants within, and in the proximity of, serine/ threonine-protein kinase 33 were found to be associated to body weight by the GIANT consortium in 2010. A single nucleotide polymorphism, rs4929949, located within intron 1 of STK33, gave the AbMole L-Asarinin strongest signal in association tests to body mass, but several other SNPs spanning a locus of,200 kb, including the entire STK33 gene as well as the proximal upstream area, were also strongly associated. We found that rs4929949 was associated with obesity and body mass development in two independent European cohorts of children and adolescents. The observed effects were directionally consistent with reports from the GIANT consortium. Subsequent analysis of effects of rs4929949 on metabolic factors and body adiposity-related phenotypic measurements failed to reveal any statistically significant association in our cohorts. Effects on body adiposity and insulin levels directionally consistent with reports from the GIANT-consortium, were observed when BMI was not included in linear models for association, indicating these effects to be secondary to the effects of rs4929949 on body mass. The effect-sizes that can be observed in our study are of course limited due to the relatively small size of the cohorts. Linkage disequilibrium analysis and ENCODE data revealed one potential regulatory site within the same haplotype block as rs4929949, in the 39 region of STK33 and one more regulatory site immediately upstream. A possible limitations to our study is the possibility of stratification effects in the Swedish and Greek cohorts as ethnical background was not considered in the recruitment or in the analysis. The recruiting was performed indiscriminately with the aim to reflect the general population and not specific ethnical groups. To minimize potential bias, the control group for the Swedish cohort was recruited from schools in the same region. Although STK33 has not been directly associated with body mass regulation previously.