Monthly Archives: February 2019

dentified INHBB as a target gene of miR-34a in the activin pathway

In this study, we show that miR-34a not only inhibits INHBB in a direct way but also may result in the down-regulation of INHBB in regenerating liver. More importantly, we proved that knockdown of INHBB via a siRNA system could strongly repress rat Salvianolic-acid-C hepatocyte proliferation. In activin family, activin A has been shown to decelerate hepatocyte growth in LR. Interestingly, in our findings, activin B seemed to play an opposite role in cell proliferation with an opposite mRNA expression pattern after PHx. There have been a few reports comparing the biological potency of activin A and activin B. For example, stimulation of DNA synthesis by EGF could be inhibited by activin A, but not by activin B. It has been reported that activin A and activin B had opposite effects on Ca2+ signaling in islet cells, with activin A increasing, but activin B decreasing. Therefore, it is conceivable that the overall effect of activins during LR may result from the balance between the expression of INHBB and INHBA subunit genes. Apart from INHBB, we also confirmed Met as another target of miR-34a in the regenerating livers. It has been reported that an increase in Met, together with its ligand HGF, could lead to impaired liver regeneration. In accordance with previous study, our investigation suggests that miR-34a-mediated inhibition of Met may also contribute to the suppression of hepatocyte proliferation during LR. In conclusion, miR-34a is strongly induced in the late phase of LR after PHx. Elevated miR-34a greatly suppressed hepatocyte proliferation by targeting INHBB and Met. Our data also provided a tantalizing hint that miR-34a might be a ��stop�� signal in regenerating hepatocytes. When the immune system is compromised, or when the normal microbiota are disrupted, debilitating and often recurring mucosal diseases can result, uses adhesins, hypha AT-56 formation, phenotypic switching and production of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes to interact with its human host. Among C. albicans adhesins is the Als family, encoded by eight distinct genetic loci. Als proteins have a similar structure, including an N-terminal secretory signal sequence, followed by an NT domain of approximately 320 amino acids, a T domain of approximately 104 amino acids, a TR domain of head-to-tail copies of a Ser/Thr-rich repeated sequence, and a Ser/Thr-rich C domain of variable size and sequence. Mature Als molecules are large glycoproteins that are linked to b-1,6 glucan in the C. albicans cell wall. For example, the estimated sizes for mature Als1 and Als3 are 600 and 440 kDa, respectively. Because of its proposed similarity to functional domains of other adhesion proteins, the Als NT domain is often studied in the absence of the remainder of the mature molecule. X-ray crystallography and NMR were used to solve the structure of the Als9-2 and Als1 respectively.

This is consistent with the observation of a C388-persulfide in the high crystal

both the specific nucleophilicity/electrophilicity character and the large relative difference of,3 pH units may likely play a role for the substrate specificity of hSCL. For a nucleophilic attack of C388 to occur using Cys as an electrophilic substrate, the active site C388 residue needs to be deprotonated to form a Cys-persulfide. For Sec as substrate, on the other hand, it would be expected that the protonation state of C388 will be less Calceolarioside-B critical, or even preferred to be in the protonated state, as the substrate itself is likely to be deprotonated and highly nucleophilic. In addition, a protonated C388 is clearly a better electrophile than a deprotonated C388, whereby the reaction would be expected to benefit from a more reactive substrate, such as Sec. Moreover, the completely conserved H145 and the positively charged ketimine nitrogen of the cofactor-substrate complex may be particularly effective to activate the Sec substrate because of the high polarizability of Se. Figure 6 illustrates the possible scenarios, for different substrates and the hSCL protein variants, in the step of the mechanism where C388 reacts with the substrate. Figure 6 is drawn based on the chemical mechanism involving elimination from the ketimine intermediate, originally proposed by Zheng et al.. However, the same reasoning is equally valid also for the alternative shorter mechanism with elimination directly from the quinonoid intermetiate. Hence, we propose that Sec specificity over Cys occurs in hSCL because C388 is maintained in its protonated form, thus only reacting when Sec is bound to the PLP. In addition, as described in the accompanying paper, group-I SCL/SD proteins contain a dynamic active site segment that houses the active site Cys residue. The location of D146 in relation to the dynamic active site segment also appears ideally suited to impose a second level of control. In the Eupalinilide-C closed conformation the sulfur atom of C388 is located,4A ? from D146, more or less in van der Waals contact, while in the open form this distance. A deprotonated, negatively charged, C388 is thus likely to shift the equilibrium towards the open or disordered state of the dynamic segment because of electrostatic repulsion from D146. This physico-mechanical mechanism is thus an additional and complementary way by which D146 may reduce the probability of positioning a deprotonated C388 in the closed conformation, as needed to react with Cys positioned into its substrate-binding cleft. Using the mechanisms described above as the basis for specificity should not yield a reaction that is strictly specific over infinite time scales because C388 would be deprotonated and located in the closed conformation a fraction of the time, depending on its local pKa, the pH, and the dynamics of the residue and active site domain.