Proteomic analysis of QPM lines how is an increased extractability of GBSS

Starch granules are composed of two types of glucan polymers: amylose, a linear alpha-1,4 linked polymer and amylopectin, a branched glucan polymer with clusters of alpha 1,6 link ages. The organization of amylose and amylopectin forms starch granules with alternating crystalline and amorphous lamellae. A mutation of gene encoding Granule-Bound Starch Synthase I, encoded bywaxy1 prevents the production of amylose, resulting in partially opaque phenotype. Also a mutation of the isoamylase-type starch debranching enzyme, encoded sugary 1,results in reduced activity of both isoamylase type and pullulanase type debranching enzymes, and produces avitreous and shrunken endosperm. Double mutants ofshrunken2and brittle2 decrease the activity of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, causing avitreous kernel phenotype. Those mutations change the pattern of starch synthesis and starch structure, which in turn alter the kernel vitreousness. Benidipine hydrochloride Although both wild type and QPM have vitreous kernels, the starch structure of QPM is substantially different from its wildtype counterparts. Scanning electron microscopy shows that QPM starch granules form contacts between one another, which are not observed in wild type starch granules. Also, proteomic analysis of QPM lines how is an increased extractability of GBSS I from starch granules, suggesting that the interior of QPM starch granules was more accessible to solvent. Those data indicate that protein-starch interactions maybe different between QPM and wild type. Our goal in this study was to identify and analyze genes and their corresponding protein products associated with the vitreous endosperm phenotype of QPM lines. Previous sequence analysis of starch synthases, starch branching enzymes and starch debranching enzymes revealed that distinct alleles of four enzymes: pullulanase-type starch debranching enzyme are present inmo2. A population of recombinant inbred lines was developed from K0326Y crossed to W64Ao2, followed by seven generations of UNC0224 self-pollination. These RILs showed abroad range of phenotypes for vitreousness and allow characterization of the relationship between specific gene expression, enzyme activities, starch structure and kernel vitreousness.